June 01, 2004

Now ladies and gents, If

Now ladies and gents,
If we were only talking about the actors who played Mr. Knightley and
Mr. Darcy in the movies based on these books, honestly speaking, whom
would you prefer?




Now, I'm not saying Jeremy's not without his charms. He has many charms. I'm not denying this one little bit. I've loved him in just about everything else he was in (except for that Mimic piece of crap). I even had the notion that Sandra Bullock should have run off with him at the end of The Net, because that small bit of him wanting to kill her could be easily shoved aside because he was a charming creature.

can he compare to Colin's Mr. Darcy? He can make ruffles look sexy. I
don't think you can say the same thing about Jeremy's Mr. Knightley.

Posted by Kathy at June 1, 2004 11:20 PM | TrackBack
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