May 01, 2004

--- I'm baaaaaack. I took

--- I'm baaaaaack. I took a much needed mental health day. Mental health day? What
the fuck's a mental health day? I've got a job, you dumb woman. What
the hell do you need to take a mental health day for? You do laundry.
You clean. You pose as a novelist to give yourself blog props. Get over
is invariably the reply to my need for a little time
away from el Internetola. Which, of course, leads to the question: how
does one know when one needs a mental health day? It's a subjective
concept, after all. Your qualifications for a mental health day might
differ from mine, but does that mean I have the right to tell you that
you can't take a mental health day? Hmmmm? Well, for me, it's when I
start rambling on about a miniscule, yet overlooked, detail that
ultimately makes no sense whatsoever. i.e. It really does matter if you use vegetable oil when you fry potatoes and let me tell you why...
This strange careering into wierd subject matter generally causes my
audience to wonder what the hell I'm smoking other than Marlboro Ultra
Light 100's. Long story short: I took one for the team.

Posted by Kathy at May 1, 2004 02:22 PM | TrackBack
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