May 01, 2004

--- Way. Over. The. Line.

--- Way. Over. The. Line.
Got this in the Cake Eater Mail Box today.

My name is John paul, a member of Independent Committee of
Eminent Persons (ICEP), Switzerland. ICEP is charged with the
of finding bank accounts in Switzerland belonging to non-Swiss
indigenes, which have remained dormant since World War II.

It may interest you to know that in July of 1997, the Swiss Banker's
Association published a list of dormant accounts originally opened by
non-Swiss citizens. These accounts had been dormant since the end of
World War II (May 9, 1945). Most belonged to Holocaust victims.

The continuing efforts of the Independent Committee of Eminent Persons
(ICEP) have since resulted in the discovery of additional dormant
accounts - 54,000 in December, 1999.

The published lists contain all types of dormant accounts, including
interest-bearing savings accounts, securities accounts, safe deposit
boxes, custody accounts, and non-interest-bearing transaction accounts.
Numbered accounts are also included. Interest is paid on accounts that
were interest bearing when established.

The Claims Resolution Tribunal (CRT) handles processing of all claims
on accounts due non-Swiss citizens. A dormant account of ORDNER ADELE
with a credit balance of 35,000,000 US dollar plus accumulated
interest was discovered by me. The beneficiary was murdered during the holocaust
era, leaving no WILL and no possible records for trace of heirs.

The Claims Resolution Tribunal has been mandated to report all
unclaimed funds for permanent closure of accounts and transfer of
existing credit balance into the treasury of Switzerland government as provided
by the law for management of assets of deceased beneficiaries who died
interstate (living no wills).

Being a top executive at ICEP, I have all secret details and necessary
contacts for claim of the funds without any hitch. The funds will be
banked in the Cayman Island, being a tax free, safe haven for funds and
we can share the funds and use in investment of our choice.

Due to the sensitive nature of my job, I need a foreigner to HELP claim
the funds. All that is required is for you to provide me with your
details for processing of the necessary legal and administrative claim
documents for transfer of the funds to you.

Kindly provide me with your full name, address, and telephone/fax. I
will pay all required fees to ensure that the fund is transferred to a
secure, numbered account in your name in the Cayman Island, of which
you will be capable of accessing the funds gradually and transferring to
your country and other banks of choice in the world. My share will be
60 percent and your share is 40 per cent of the total amount. THERE IS NO

You can find additional information about unclaimed funds through the
internet at the following websites:

The Holocaust Claims Processing Office has put funds in Escrow awaiting
submission of valid claims for necessary disbursement.

I find myself priviledged to have this information and this may be a
great opportunity for a life time of success without risks.

Due to security reasons, reply to my via email only. You may reply to
me securely on the following email,
Thank you for your prompt response.


I haven't seen this one before. I've seen all the Nigerian Oil/Banking
scams. I've seen all sorts of interesting scams who try to get people
to give their information over to dubious persons, and while disgusted,
I'm generally of the opinion that if you're silly enough to believe a
randomly generated email from someone you don't know is meant for you
and will solve your problems, well, you deserve what you get. It's sad,
but that's life. You are the person who is responsible for your best
interests, and if you fall for this sort of thing, well... This spam,
however, is beyond the pale. This isn't a Nigerian Oil scam. This spam
seeks to take advantage of personal desperation. This is a very
personal issue for people who have survived the worst genocide on the
books. I worry that a survivor could be taken in by this. A quick
Google check reveals that all of the organizations listed above---the
Independent Committee of Eminent Persons, the Swiss Bankers
Association---are legit. Dear God.
How many Holocaust survivors and their heirs have spent years trying to
get back what was legally theirs, but came up against the brick wall
that is Swiss banking and failed? How many survivors died before they
could get back what was theirs? I cannot even begin to imagine how
frustrating that would have been. Produce
a death certificate and you can have your father's money. My father
died at Auschwitz. Oh, well, I'm sorry for your loss but without proper
documentation there's nothing we can do...
Honestly, I find it
amazing there wasn't a rash of personal attacks in the Zurich and
Geneva banking communities. But the survivors didn't resort to
violence. They waited and worked behind the scenes to make things
happen. And they finally did---to a certain extent. But here you have a
spammer who is relatively well educated, knows that there are myriad
organizations out there taking care of this issue and takes advantage
of the desperation of people who have suffered way entirely too much in
this lifetime. People, who because of their age---despite what they
suffered through---might be a bit on the naive side when it comes to
spamming techniques. Fucker.

Posted by Kathy at May 1, 2004 02:07 PM | TrackBack
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