May 01, 2004

Hmmph. I know. It sounds

I know. It sounds like I'm ticked. Well, I was. Here I was completely
adept at futzing around with this thing---and it had taken me months to
get to a competent level---and they go and change everything. Well,
FINE! Go and change everything, why don't you? Fiddle with the
templates and all that! See if I care! {slams door}
But, the thing is, now that I've looked around a wee bit, well, much
like a spouse on the erroneous end of an argument, I've decided I like
some of the changes. They've now enabled comments, so I don't have to
have this Haloscan stuff anymore (far be it from me to criticize a free
service, but, dudes, it's about friggin' time!). They also have regular
permalinks available for every post! Woohoo. Hit the little # sign next
to my name at the end of this post and voila!
that specific post will appear on a fresh page. Maybe someone will
finally link me as a result. They also have a boatload of new
templates, so we'll have to see if I get rid of this hideous orange and
red concotion and pick something different. Still, there are some
drawbacks. There's no trackback, so I'll probably keep that feature
from Haloscan if that's possible. I don't think I'll be able to ban
anyone if they leave a nasty comment. There's no 'main' link, unless I
add one---somehow. And, yes, it's still
a Blogger blog. But it's free and until the server issue is resolved,
there's no sense in moving over to a different software package. I'm
still scared of Moveable Type. I'm breaking out in hives just thinking
about switching over. Ugh. Anyway, expect some changes over the next
little while. I'll try to keep the upheaval to a minimum.

Posted by Kathy at May 1, 2004 09:22 PM | TrackBack
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