May 01, 2004

You have the right website.

You have the right website. There aren't any laptop gnomes in the house
who snuck in under cover of darkness and switched all your bookmarks
This is the new Cake Eater Chronicles. Everything's fine. Do not adjust
your set.
For the rest of you, well, I hope you like it. I do. I find it much
easier on the eyes. A few things, though.
1. Comments policy can be found here.

Ignore it at your peril.

(Side note, I'm SO digging this permalink business. Woohoo!)

2. While we're on the subject of comments, it seems Blogger wants you to log in if you leave one. Which we all know is so
conducive to cooperation. (I wouldn't log in to leave a comment---are
you kidding? Way too much work.) But it does give you the handy-dandy
option of posting anonymously! (Note to the Blogger People: WOW! Way to
invite the trolls in, kids!) If you choose the option to post
anonymously to save yourself the time and hassle of logging in, that's
That's all I ask. I'm not asking for an email address or a weblink.
Just leave a name to go with the opinion. That's not a whole hell of a
lot in the scheme of things, so please do it. But
the minute someone flames this site anonymously, that's the minute the
comments section goes bye-bye. I have NO way of managing the comments
section without being ham handed about it. Blogger simply just does not
give you this option. I cannot ban anyone, I can't delete posts. I have
two options: I can either turn off the comments on a post per post
basis, or I can yank them altogether. And I have to say, I lean toward
yanking them altogether rather than having to patrol for trolls.
I am sorry about this. I've been reading blogs for a good long while
now and I've seen too many bloggers struggle with their comments
sections to not take the hard line right out of the gate. You've got
the benefit of my doubt---for now.

End lecture.

Enjoy the changes and again---serious kudos to the husband for saving my bacon.

UPDATE It seems, as usual, I didn't explore enough before making
absolutist statements. It turns out that I can delete comments. Woohoo.
Just call me a troll cop!

Posted by Kathy at May 1, 2004 11:52 PM | TrackBack
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