May 01, 2004

Apparently, the Cake Eater Chronicles

Apparently, the Cake Eater Chronicles is in the top five results for
Google searches on Muntada al-Ansar, which is the website where the
Nick Berg video originally aired. Why this has happened, is beyond me.
I don't do algorithms. Never got that far in high school math. If
you're one of these people, welcome to Cake Eater Land. I'm assuming
you're looking for the video so please to the Northeast Intelligence Network.
Scroll down and you will find a link to the video.
(Apologies to Northeast Intelligence Network. I emailed, but received
no response and I really wanted to get this post up. Please hit the
link on the side and email me if you would like it removed.)
Their servers apparently have been slammed, so it will take some time
to download. And, if possible, you should hit their tipjar to defray
some of the bandwidth costs they're incurring to provide this very
valuable service. A service, I will add, that should have been provided
by the mainstream media but to date has not been. Show your
appreciation in an appropriate way.

Posted by Kathy at May 1, 2004 10:06 PM | TrackBack
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