May 01, 2004

You know, when you're a

You know, when you're a single girl the last place you ever expect to
meet a real, honest to God, prince is at a bar. But it happened.

Copenhagen - For most girls, meeting a prince and living happily ever after is the stuff of fairy tales. But for Australian commoner Mary Donaldson, who will marry Danish Crown Prince Frederik on Friday, the tale has come true. The youngest of four children whose parents emigrated from Scotland to Australia, Mary met her prince charming in Sydney. While he may not have swept her off her feet right away, he wooed her until she agreed to move to his kingdom where she will one day become queen. The couple were introduced to each other on September 16, 2000 at a bar during the Olympic Games in Sydney, where the prince was enjoying the Aussie nightlife with his younger brother Joachim and Prince Felipe of Spain. "I didn't know who he was at the start," Donaldson later said, admitting that her first encounter with Frederik was "not love at first sight". But she found him to be "warm, loyal, sincere, funny, curious and full of surprises". A strong believer in fate, Mary said she "never imagined four years ago" that she would one day become a member of Europe's oldest monarchy whose origins can be traced back to the 10th century.

I love stories like this.

Posted by Kathy at May 1, 2004 11:44 PM | TrackBack
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