May 01, 2004

MELBOURNE, Australia — Kiss bassist

MELBOURNE, Australia — Kiss bassist Gene Simmons has sparked outrage in Australia with comments seen as attacking Islam. "This is a vile culture and if you think for a second that it's willing to just live in the sands of God's armpit you've got another thing coming," Simmons said during an interview on Melbourne's 3AW radio Thursday. "They want to come and live right where you live and they think that you're evil." The Western world was under threat from extremists and a culture that treated women worse than dogs, he claimed in a segment of the interview that touched on the war in Iraq. "You can send your dog to school to learn tricks, sit, beg, do all that stuff — none of the women have that advantage," the 54-year-old said. Angry Muslims flooded the radio station with calls, furious over Simmons' comments.
Note to the radio producers in Melbourne: The guy's got a tongue the size of Kilmanjaro. Did you honestly expect he was going to keep it civil when he sat down for an interview? The sheer size of that monster pretty much negates the possibility of keeping it quiet. It simply can't be put on a leash. That said, Gene, this is the only thing you've ever said or done that I've ever agreed with or liked. Way to Go! Particularly enjoyed the bit about "living in the sands of God's armpit." Posted by Kathy at May 1, 2004 03:54 PM | TrackBack
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