May 01, 2004

So, while I'm waiting for

So, while I'm waiting for the typists at the networks to get their fat
fingers moving so I can have a transcript of the President's speech,
let me note one thing:
Not one of the Big Five broadcasters---ABC, NBC, CBS, FOX, or
PBS---preempted their programming to show the President's speech. One
local affliate here in the Twin Cities, Kare11 the NBC affliate,
preempted "Fear Factor" to show the speech. And that's it.
If you didn't have cable or satellite, you were screwed if you wanted
to see the speech.
The media bleats on about the fact that the "President doesn't have a
clear plan for Iraq." He presents one and they don't cover it because
it interferes with their plans to rape their advertisers next fall.
And the media claims it isn't biased? To quote that immortal poet Wayne
Campbell: "Sha. Right. And monkeys might fly out of my ass."

Posted by Kathy at May 1, 2004 07:40 PM | TrackBack
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