May 01, 2004

You'd better leave my clotted

You'd better leave my clotted cream fudge alone, jerk-off.

Dr Geof Rayner, the former chairman of the UK Public Health Association (UKPHA), said that a national ban on television commercials that promote junk food, such as burgers and fizzy drinks, would be ineffective because of widespread and growing access to satellite TV. His comments came after the Commons health select committee today recommended a voluntary ban on TV commercials promoting unhealthy food in a damning report on Britain's obesity epidemic. He said: "In order to impose any limit on the amount of junk food advertisements for children we must tackle it at the European level. In Sweden they have a ban on marketing to children but a lot comes in through satellite TV, so the food industry can usurp the national ban." Dr Rayner, who sits on the UKPHA council, also called on the government to address European Union (EU) subsidies for unhealthy foods. He said that 48% of the European commission's budget went on subsidies to the food industry, but this funding took no account of how healthy the food produced was. "The EU shouldn't be subsidising fats and sugars. Subsidies need to go towards those parts of the industry which are producing healthy foods. The UK government could take the lead there and conduct a health impact assessment on the European common agricultural policy."

Fudge does not equal cigarettes.

{Mmmmm. Fuuuudddge}

Posted by Kathy at May 1, 2004 04:54 PM | TrackBack
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