May 01, 2004

Courtesy of Gawker {...}While I

Courtesy of Gawker

{...}While I have a high degree of personal respect for PHJW as a law firm, and I have made wonderful friendships during my time here, I am no longer comfortable working for a group largely populated by gossips, backstabbers and Napoleonic personalities. In fact, I dare say that I would rather be dressed up like a pinata and beaten than remain with this group any longer. I wish you continued success in your goals to turn vibrant, productive, dedicated associates into an aimless, shambling group of dry, lifeless husks. May the smoke from any bridges I burn today be seen far and wide.


I have nothing but admiration for this anonymous soon-to-be trophy husband. He actually did what we've all wished we'd
done when we'd quit a job we hated.
I hope he's not huddled up in a corner, wrapped in blankie, smoking
endless cigarettes and drinking vodka straight from the bottle,
wondering what the hell did he have to go and do that for? now that his girlfriend broke up with him for a lack of ambition and an inability to play politics.

Because girlfriend from one corporate wife to another, that's what it's all about, bitch. You've just declared yourself unsuitable for the life you've chosen.

But, damn, let those bridges keep on smoldering. We're rooting for you.

Posted by Kathy at May 1, 2004 10:15 PM | TrackBack
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