May 01, 2004

--- Ritalin Backlash in Cake

--- Ritalin Backlash in Cake Eater Country.
Sidewalk chalk is a wonderful thing. It gives the children the chance
to hone their fine sense of chiaroscuro on hopscotch squares while they
get a bit of fresh air at the same time. A great thing for parents and
for their wee ones. Today, however, on our walk through Cake Eater
Country, it seems someone had decided that sidewalk chalk was as good a
tool as spray paint for starting a movement. What phrase was scribbled
across the pavement? No, it wasn't "All Your Base Belong Are Belong To
Us." It was Hyper is Good!

UPDATE: 05/01/2004 The husband informs me that I screwed up the "All Your
Base" thing. And Yeah, upon further review it does look as if I goofed
it pretty badly---but for a sentence with numerous grammatical errors,
how the hell was I supposed to know and why should I care? I don't keep
up on obscure movements. "All your base are belong to us." is what it's supposed to be.

Forgive me Father, I am a worm...

Posted by Kathy at May 1, 2004 09:11 PM | TrackBack
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