May 01, 2004

--- You might have noticed

--- You might have noticed that the server is down. I don't know what
the problem is but hopefully it will be back up and running soon. If
you're really curious about any of the graphics---which I know you
won't be---hit the email link over to the right and I'll email you a
copy. I'm sick of of the hosting company and their servers. The husband
keeps saying we will switch sometime in the near future, but when?
That's up in the air. At times, it kinda sucks having a husband in IT.
I don't mind the free laptops (I do mind it, however, when the laptop
comes in lieu of a payment that was OVERDUE) or the free software or
having someone handy who knows how all this stuff goes together. But
IT is an industry in flux. Always and forever in flux. What's great
month is not so hot the next. I'm not going to go into details about
his future plans, suffice it to say though, that because of said plans
he can't make up his mind about whether or not he'll actually purchase
a server, or find better hosting options. He doesn't know. Last I heard
he was moving away from the idea of purchasing a server, but that might
have changed. I have no clue. But, if there's even a remote possibility
he might purchase a server, it makes no sense for me to sign up for
independent hosting and to switch over to Moveable Type. Why pay extra
money for hosting when I could have all the hosting I want for free? I
Never mind the fact that the idea of moving over Moveable Type makes me
break out in hives. It's all about hosting. Shudder. What's really odd
is that a year ago I had no idea how all of this stuff worked.

Posted by Kathy at May 1, 2004 02:41 PM | TrackBack
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