May 01, 2004

Hot Damn! The husband---the ultimate

Hot Damn!

The husband---the ultimate Star Wars Galaxies freak---finally made it back to the moons of Endor in the game. You might remember, a while back, I was shafted in my efforts to slay an Ewok.
He's been busy with his harvesters on Talus. He's also the mayor of
Ba'aar, so he's got a few politician things to take care of other than
slaughtering Ewoks. But I just slayed four of those furry, fat rats.

I feel good. I feel, dare I say it, justified.
I can now go about my business with the righteous swagger of a slayer
of unintelligible furry little rodents who ruined a perfectly good
trilogy. FOUR of those furry little rodents are dead because of ME!


Posted by Kathy at May 1, 2004 03:39 PM | TrackBack
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