Until about three or thereabouts. I was working on the manuscript.
I don't know what it is about writing---particularly when working on
the manuscript---that makes me lose track of time. I'll settle down to
work, I'll plug away for a while, then I'll look at the clock
and---whammo! I will have lost three or four hours. They're gone.
Whoosh. They've melted away like the Wicked Witch of the West in the Wizard of Oz
and the remnants can now be found somewhere near those of Salvador
Dali's brain. It's so damn wierd, but I'm used to it...almost. Anyway,
when I pulled away from the laptop to finally notice the time, all of
my senses that had lain dormant for the preceding few hours suddenly
came alive again. I noticed I was a wee bit cold as the window was
still wide open. I noticed the office stank of cigarette smoke (I don't
pay attention to how much I'm smoking when I'm working.)And the guy on
the classical station---Minnesota Public Radio---was saying in his very
soothing "Music Through the Night" voice that coming up in the next
hour (three to four---am) would be the thoughts of "commentator James
Lileks" on some piece of music that I didn't quite catch in my haze.
I was too tired to stay up and listen for it, but I suppose if all of
you Lileks-lovers go trolling through MPR's site,
you might be able to find what piece of music he was enamored with.
With that, I'm announcing that I'm fairly useless today. Don't have
great expectations for excellent, insightful blogging today.