May 01, 2004

The past few days have

The past few days have been crappy. Usually, I like to shop when this happens, and I never
like to shop. Shopping is anathema to me. Unless it's for shoes and
handbags and then it's fine. But it's usually muy dangeroso for me to
use shopping as a mood elevator. I'll buy like crazy. Usually it's
stuff I wanted, but didn't really need, and this is when the credit
card bills go through the roof. But we is 'po. No money to go and shop.
Currently, the mall holds all the appeal of a ninety-five pound wombat.
I just don't want to have anything to do with it.
So, to give myself a slight thrill that didn't really do much in the
skirt-blowing department, but nonetheless quelled the nasties, I made a
wish list at Amazon. All the fun of shopping without the joys of the
husband yelling at me when the credit card statement arrives. You can
find it over on the left hand side, if you're so inclined to see what I
categorize as wants and not needs. I don't expect you to buy me
anything. You're safe from any financial obligations (read begging) for
reading The Cake Eater Chronicles until Needless Markup
figures out that some bloggers would really like a wish list option
because they want shoes. Only then will I expect remuneration for my
efforts. In the form of Manolos. You'll have to get together and pool
your resources, but it can be done. I'm sure of it. Anything's
possible, after all.

Posted by Kathy at May 1, 2004 12:36 AM | TrackBack
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