May 01, 2004

Get over it already. DUBLIN

Get over it already.

DUBLIN (Reuters) - Four months after Janet Jackson outraged the United States by bearing her breast on TV, Ireland has banned a video to encourage voting in next month's European elections because it shows a bare nipple. In Britain, where bare breasts are shown daily in tabloids, the film will be shown in censored form. The breast-feeding sequence survives but shots of the offending nipple have been edited out. The 45-second film was produced by the European Parliament's audio-visual department and shows a suckling baby trying to decide which of its mother's breasts to feed from. The idea is to show people making choices -- like voters at the ballot box. While the sight of a baby suckling at its mother's breast is considered acceptable for hundreds of millions of other Europeans, Irish officials believe it would cause offence in Roman Catholic Ireland. "I decided that due to sensitivities here, this is not the right image to promote anything in Ireland, unless it is of a medical or scientific nature," the head of the European Parliament's Irish office, Jim O'Brien, said.

Boobies. Boobies. Boobies. Boobies. Boobies. Boobies.
Boobies. Boobies. Boobies. Boobies. Boobies. Boobies.
Boobies. Boobies. Boobies. Boobies. Boobies. Boobies.

Nipples. Nipples. Nipples. Nipples. Nipples. Nipples.
Nipples. Nipples. Nipples. Nipples. Nipples. Nipples.
Nipples. Nipples. Nipples. Nipples. Nipples. Nipples.

There. Are you desensitized enough yet? If not go here. Or I can start typing again.

Your choice.

Posted by Kathy at May 1, 2004 03:13 PM | TrackBack
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