May 01, 2004

To the person who keeps

To the person who keeps finding their way here whilst looking for a translation for 'de recta non tolerandum sunt,' it means NO ASSHOLES WILL BE TOLERATED.

That, of course, is a loose translation. In Latin 'Recta' actually means this. This is the motto the Python Lads and if you look carefully at the picture,
you can clearly get the gist of what they were going after. If the
Pythons were looking for a literal translation, they would have gone
for something like "intestinum."
(Realize that not everything in our modern world has a Latin name
simply because most of the stuff in our modern world---like
rectums---weren't thought to exist back then. Back then your intestine
covered everything from your gullet to your bum.) But intestinum a. is
a stupid word and b. doesn't make any sense and isn't easy to get the
gist of if you're not fluent in Latin, right? You probably sussed out
"tolerandum" as the Latin word for "tolerate" and you knew "non"
probably meant that something would not be tolerated, but what? If they
used intestinum, you'd be thinking, "Intestines will not be tolerated?"
What the hell does that mean? Here's the Etymology Yellow Brick Road:
recta=rectum=lower part of your intestine=assholes. That's what
wouldn't be tolerated. There is no Latin word for assholes. They
I like Monty Python, and I laughed when I read it, soooo, I took their
motto for my own. I'm a plagiarist, I know, but hell, this is the Internet.
Did you honestly expect any better?
There's an email link over on the left hand side-- next time click on
it and ASK.

Posted by Kathy at May 1, 2004 09:36 PM | TrackBack
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