May 01, 2004

And yes, I did mean

And yes, I did mean to put the "Majors" in her name. I'm not so out of
it that I didn't know she divorced the Six Million Dollar Man eons ago.
It's a direct tribute to that era of Farrah's hairstyle---she was
married to the guy, she was on Charlie's Angels
and she had the ultimate feathered-do.
The reference all comes together quite nicely, don't you think? Because
you thought of Farrah in her Charlie days, didn't you? I know you did.
Don't lie to me. Anyway, I've been growing my mane out for about a year
now, and since my old do was a nice layered job, the layers have grown
out and, at times, I look like a brunette Farrah.
This morning would be one of those times.
I can't decide whether I like this or not. I suppose, however, I'll
figure it out before I chop off all this freakin'
hair sometime this summer, after it becomes too hot for my poor neck.
(I have exceedingly thick, naturally curly hair---which is its own
frizzy trial on humid days)
I do however feel like sitting down on a sofa with my compadres, in
front of a speaker phone placed prominently on Bosley's desk, and doing
my darndest to solve a crime whilst simultaneously attempting to suss
out just what Charlie looks like.
It's going to be one of those days, folks. Beware.

Posted by Kathy at May 1, 2004 11:11 AM | TrackBack
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