May 01, 2004

Christ. ST. LOUIS - Energizer


ST. LOUIS - Energizer Holdings Inc. is appealing to the rock 'n' roll sensibilities of baby boomers by enlisting 1980s rocker Pat Benatar (news) to boost sales of hearing-aid batteries. "Our generation has helped shape American culture, especially since we're the first to be raised on rock 'n' roll," Benatar says in a brochure for Energizer's new marketing campaign, "It's Hip to Hear." "From Aerosmith to the Rolling Stones, our music defines us, but all those years of rockin' are beginning to take a toll," she says.
Yeah, and Social Security and Medicare aren't going to be around by the time I hit the mandatory retirement age (which will be roughly around the same time that Methuselah cacked) because said boomers are going to suck those programs dry. Not like I mind all that much. I've got other plans, but damn. Must we be subjected to years of advertising dedicated to easing their aging pains whilst paying for it simultaneously? Posted by Kathy at May 1, 2004 09:56 PM | TrackBack
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