May 01, 2004

He calls this an outstanding

He calls this an outstanding development.

Sha. Right.

As for the suspicion all of you are holding: Yes, all those larger Danish bust measurements are for real, and not artificially derived. "The breasts are genuine [ægte]," Ms. Andersen states flat-out. (What, not even any rounding errors?) It's all due to rising health and nutrition standards, with most childhood diseases now eliminated through vaccinations and many more vitamins and minerals consumed in Danish girls' diets.
I can't read the original article because, duh, it's in Danish and they want me to register, so I suppose I'll have to take the guy's word for it. All those larger boob measurements are for real?

Yeah. Ok. Whatever. I'm not buying it.

Posted by Kathy at May 1, 2004 11:06 PM | TrackBack
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