April 01, 2004


--- We have SILLY GERMANS today.
I suppose this would be something that could happen to anyone who chose
to imbibe before taking a wife, but how badly would it have sucked to
have had your mother come and pick you up from the police
station---particularly on the day when she was probably looking forward
to handing those duties over to her son's bride?

How much fun would that be?

--- Interesting.

Now, if the military should want to revamp its uniforms, my sister Christi has some serious ideas for them.

--- I don't have a great deal of respect for a man who
took a massive dose of heroin, put a shotgun in his mouth and then
pulled the trigger. Not really brave, methinks, that he wanted to be
numb for the last few moments of his life when he wouldn't have felt
anything anyhow when that bullet hit his brain. If you're going to blow
your brains out, at least do it honorably and don't wimp out when the
time comes. I just don't have much respect for him as a human being.
Particularly when he had a child with a woman who was apparently too
unstable for even his tastes. That poor kid. God, I feel for her. He's
dead. Get over it already, would you? He was not "the voice" of a
generation. As a member of the generation of which he's claimed to be
the voice of, I can tell you there is not one single person in the
music industry who represents less of what I stand for than Kurt
Cobain. (Well, maybe Moby but...) He was a whiny, self-involved jerk
who blew his brains out because he would have rather burnt out than
faded away. I have very little respect for him as a human being, mainly
because he killed himself rather than see what his potential was
because the potential was painful for him. It's selfish in the extreme.
You would think that all of the people who worship him would see that
they're the ones who have suffered for his selfishness. You'd think
they'd be bitter about the fact he committed suicide. They're not,
though. They're just sad that he's still gone. Like I said, get over it

Posted by Kathy at April 1, 2004 01:57 PM | TrackBack
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