--- Instead of having a Silly German story today, we have a SILLY THINGS THAT COULD ONLY HAPPEN IN GERMANY story.
"I didn't know how I would be able to tell my parents about a holiday with him and I couldn't really say to him 'Listen, my
parents wouldn't approve'," the woman, 28, identified only as Marina B., told the Duesseldorf state court Wednesday.
"Then I had the idea that if the trip could somehow be blocked by someone else, for example a bomb threat, then that
would solve all the problems," she added. Her flight departed anyway, several hours late.
This is like saying you have Ebola when you don't want to go to work and call in sick.
Get a spine.
--- This is just so wrong on so many levels.
Shall we define what is wrong? Yes, lets.
1. ``Mr. Neil personally appeared out of respect for this court and this county. Now he's moving on.''
Vince "I'm a Bad, Bad Boy, So Spank Me" Neil has respect for a court
and a county? WTF? A man who has so little respect for women that he has to pay them to sleep with him hence no woman in her right mind will go to bed with him without pay, has respect for a court and a county? Again, WTF.
2. BunnyRanch
owner Dennis Hof said he was sorry to hear that Neil felt pressured to
enter a plea.``It's sad to see Vince do that because in my mind this
girl's an opportunist and I know that Vince did nothing wrong,'' Hof
the Nevada Appeal newspaper. ``I assume he did this to avoid having a
lengthy trial. I will support him to the end, because I know he didn't
do anything wrong.''
Ok, so let's see if we can delineate Mr. Hof and his position on the
a. He owns a brothel. He's a pimp. Yes, prostitution is legal in
Nevada, but the fact he peddles flesh for a living does not
automatically lump him in with other business owners in my book. He
runs a brothel, not a Pro Shop. He thinks because it's legal there's
nothing wrong with providing a place for men and women to pay for sex.
His word equals precisely squat.
b. Vince is probably a good client and hence he's sticking with the
person who spends the money, rather than the person who earns it.
c. He automatically assumes that the woman is trying to shake Vince
Neil down. I don't know, but the fact she filed a criminal complaint
for getting beaten up doesn't necessarily correlate with "shake down"
in my book. Besides, what money does Vince have? Didn't it disappear
somewhere in the vicinity of his sinus cavities in the late eighties?
d. There apparently doesn't seem to be anything wrong in Hof's book
with choking a woman and throwing her against the wall. It's all good fun apparently.
3. Judge
Bill Rogers suspended a 30-day jail sentence and ordered Neil to
complete anger management correspondence courses within 60 days. He was
fined $1,000 plus court fees of $132, and returned to his Las Vegas
home afterward
???? I don't know about you, but if Vince can get in a car to go and
visit a brothel, he should---at the very least---have to drive to
Carson City to actually attend anger managment classes. Every
week. For the next year. b. Vince lives in Las Vegas. Need I say more?
I'm trying to keep myself from going off into a rant about the evils of
prostitution. But...I...CAN'T...SEEM...TO...HELP...MYSELF.
Aiiieee. The moment of regret seems to have passed and here we
I hate prostitution. I suppose this throws me into the "unenlightened"
sect. Fine with me. If it's unenlightened for me to care about women
and men thinking their genital region is the most worthwhile part of
their bodies, so be it. Because that's what it comes down to in the sex
trade: your penis, your vagina, your rectum, your breasts, your
mouth---your body---will ultimately earn you more money than your
brain, so use them. That's the lure. That's the essence of the pimp's
arguments. You'll get paid for something you'd do anyway, so why not?
Never mind that it's exploitative in the extreme. Never mind the human
trafficking that goes on to supply fresh new prostitutes to the street
for the paying customers. Never mind that most of the people that are
trafficked into prostitution are tricked into doing it. Never mind that
drugs always seem to be connected to prostitution, for many different
reasons. Never mind that people should value themselves more. Never
mind that it degrades the act of sex into groin-satisfaction-only
action. It's consensual. Lighten up. What does it matter to you what
happens behind closed doors?
It matters a lot to me. So much so that I throw away my libertarian
stance on this one issue. It is
my business when people suffer to make some random individual whose got
the coin to feel happy in the pants. It's everyone's business.
Apparently, though, I'm sure a few people will disagree with my stance
on this one. The essence of their arguments will relate around how it's
consensual; how it's been going on since the beginning of time; that by
legalizing prostitution, you're taking out the exploitation factor,
etc. You've all heard the arguments so I needn't waste my time listing
them out.
The essence of my argument is that prostitution is degrading to the
human race. It is. Just look at it. A person pays for sex. Perhaps they
will do this with the full understanding that they're simply going to
get their rocks off. But most of the time, they don't. Let's face facts
here, kids. Most people who pay for sex are simply not getting what
they want from their regular partners, if they have a regular partner
to begin with. It's a walk on the wild side
for them. For the average suburban man, it's one step up from visiting
a titty bar. It's paying to get what a lover isn't willing to give. It's a transaction.
Yet, it seems to me, that most people who visit prostitutes take it one
step further. They want to indulge in their fantasies; they want to
gain satisfaction from something that they perhaps think is too dirty
to suggest to their regular partners; they're perhaps ashamed to admit
they want something different. They bring more than their rocks into the situation,
in other words. Now, most therapists would say that this theoretical
person is repressing something. Perhaps homosexual tendencies. Perhaps
violent tendencies. You get what I'm saying. But the sex trade doesn't
care about about the mental health of their clients. They don't care
about what their clients might do to their employees---if you can call
them that---it's all about the money. They take advantage of the
taboos; taboos are their bread and butter. They don't want their
clientele to think with their brains; they want them to think with
their groins because once rational though stops and groin-thinking
takes over, they've won. They take advantage of the shame attached with
sex by offering a perfectly "legitimate" outlet for it, and by doing
so, their patrons are never forced to examine why they feel the way
they do in the first place. People who frequent customers are never
forced to be honest with themselves.
Which in turns sets us all back. Which is ironic, don't you think,
given all the arguments for the legalization of prostitution? Sex is
about so much more than getting your rocks off. Yes, there is no
escaping that sex is a physical need, but it's rooted in
reproduction---the pleasure was designed as a side benefit to keep the
human race going. You may have plenty of erogenous zones on your body,
but if you haven't figured it out by now, your mind is your most
important sexual organ. It is. Your mind heightens the experience into
something lovely, when if you take only your body into account, sex
between human beings is no more than two apes going at it in the
jungle. And we've all seen enough Discovery Channel to note that that
is not
what happens with human beings. Apes don't kiss for starters. And they
don't cuddle afterwards either. (Although, Polar Bears do---saw that at
the Omaha Zoo one day. Interesting.)
When you ignore the mind, or say that its irrelevant, you're degrading
the act of sex. Prostitution demands that people not think about the
mind when it comes to sex, or perhaps a better way of saying it is that
prostitution exploits the mind for its own ends---and that degrades us
as a species. ---Ok, and on that somber and depressing note, I will bid
you a'dieu. Have a Happy Easter and enjoy some ham on Sunday.