April 01, 2004

Got this postcard in the

Got this postcard in the mail today. A friend sent it to me and I
thought you might like to end your night on a happy, Gothic
Cathedral-ish note. (Ha ha! A happy GOTHIC cathedral. Yeah. Right.
Whatever.) I thought it was pretty, though, so I'm sharing.
is the Durham Cathedral, which is conveniently located in Durham,
England. Which is way up north---hell and gone from London---and
is---for all intents and purposes---practically Scotland. According to
the friend, they started work on the Cathedral in 1087---which for you
history buffs, would be a full year before that pesky Norman, William
the Conquerer, took a boat across the Channel and invaded in 1088. And
they say it took a Frenchman to tame the backwards English. HA. I think

Posted by Kathy at April 1, 2004 10:58 PM | TrackBack
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