April 01, 2004

Ok, so you might have

Ok, so you might have noticed that I finally found some freebie software for comments.

Let me revise that: I finally got around to looking
for some freebie software for comments. I haven't been aflame with the
righteous zealotry of a blogger who lives for riveting discussions in
their comments sections. I'm lazy. Shoot me. Anyway, let me just
outline the Comments Policy quickly so you can get back to surfing
porn. 1. Abusive comments will be deleted---just as soon as I figure
out how to do that. What qualifies as abusive? Well, if you tell
another commenter (or me) that they should go and do certain things
with a donkey, your post will be deleted. It's really quite simple. See
#2 for guidelines on how not to have your comments deleted.
2. My mother reads my blog and the woman has no shortage of opinions,
so you might be hearing from her. Like mother, like daughter. However,
since my
mom is reading this thing, and knowing that she believes in the "it's
takes a village" concept, know that she will smack you down if you get
out of line. And I'll let her. She's my mother---she owns me. I have no
choice in this regard. So, it would seem that the best rule of thumb
for commenting here would be---ahem---if you wouldn't want your mother reading what you wrote, don't post it for my mom to read.

Clear enough? Post away.

Posted by Kathy at April 1, 2004 01:30 PM | TrackBack
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