April 01, 2004

--- Oh, no. In principle,

--- Oh, no.
In principle, I have a tendency to applaud remakes of films that sucked
the first time around. You would think that they could only go up,
right? Exhibit A--- Oceans' Eleven.
They couldn't freaking go anywhere but up on that one because the
original was awful. So, in principal, remakes of bad movies are a good thing.

Except when you have a movie like Back to School.
There was nothing worth redeeming in that piece o' excrement that would
make it worthy of a remake, let alone a vehicle for Cedric The
Entertainer. Because Cedric's actually quite funny, whereas Rodney
Dangerfield was only rarely funny. In small does. Cedric, do me a
favor, babe. Come up with your own scripts, please. You're better than

Posted by Kathy at April 1, 2004 01:24 PM | TrackBack
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