--- Well, guess who's coming to Cake Eater Land tomorrow?
Amazingly enough---there was not a single story about the fact the Prez is coming to town in the paper today.
Of course there's an article about it the day the visit is supposed to
occur. Not a single frigging one. And yes, I double checked. Nada in
the A Section. Nada in OpEx. Nada in Metro/State. WTF? Granted, I only
rarely watch the local TV news (like when I want to see what weather is
amassing off to the West) so they could have reported it there and I
just missed it. It could've been in the local paper, but hell, the only
time I ever read that is to see who's been burgled. But you'd think the
largest newspaper in the state would have published at least something
about the impending Presidential visit before the day it was set to
occur. I'm not going to bother lambasting that worthless organization
for completely dropping the ball and not informing the public of an
event it would much rather slip by unnoticed. My time is much more
valuable than that. Let's just say that it's called "The Enemy Paper"
for a reason. There are a few ways he could come into west Cake Eater
Land. He's coming from the Convention Center in downtown. He's speaking from 10:15-11:15 and from there on in, he should be on the road.
I do believe some stalking is in order. I just got new batteries for the digital camera.
Hmmm. Much thought is required.
Posted by Kathy at April 1, 2004 11:26 PM | TrackBack