April 01, 2004

--- The epidemiology of a

--- The epidemiology of a hoax.

Thanks to Insults Unpunished who got it from Spoons who got it from The Single Southern Guy who it seems was curious after reading the story Instapundit linked from Protein Wisdom who got it from Tim Worstall
and he did some checking on Operation Take One For The Country, and it
seems I need to print a correction. Christ! Do you need a cocktail like
I need a cocktail after listing all that out? Anyhoo, The Single
Southern Guy did the checking and there is no such organization. It be
a hoax. I, of course, didn't get this story from any of these people,
so not only am I out of the loop (really? shocker!) it seems as if I'm
also off the hook for being fooled, as well. Because, you know, I only
posted it because I thought it was really whacked and that my audience
would enjoy it. Truth forsooth! Not here, bub. Not on junk like this. I
told you the husband sent me some wierd stuff. Did you believe me?
Nooooooo. Well, now you know to take anything I claim he sent me with a
grain of salt, ok?

Posted by Kathy at April 1, 2004 08:49 PM | TrackBack
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