February 01, 2004

Window Update---Tweedledumb called back this

Window Update---Tweedledumb called back this afternoon and chatted with
the husband. Reportedly, Tweedledumb is going to contact the window
contractors and get them to take responsibility. In the meantime, we
just have to live with the constant drip, drip, drip because the Great White Hunter landlord isn't going to pay someone to come out and take care of the ice.

This, I should add, is the same window contractor Tweedledumb forgot to pay
for the window install, and who subsequently slapped a lien on the
house in lieu of said payment. And they put that lien on the house
toute suite, too. Within thirty days if memory serves. They didn't even
want to have interest build up. One can suppose they were so sick of
the Great White Hunter and Tweedledumb that they just didn't care about
accruing interest. They wanted their money and they wanted done with
these idiots. And Tweedledumb thinks he's going to get this contractor
to pay for ice removal when it's not their fault. Good freaking
luck. This, of course, is a stall maneuver by Tweedledumb. If he
actually calls said window contractor, I'll be very much surprised.
This is just his way of weaseling out of actually having to do anything
about the problem. I repeat. I am sick of this.

Posted by Kathy at February 1, 2004 07:34 PM | TrackBack
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