February 01, 2004

---- BWAHAHAHAHAHAHA! You know, just

You know, just in case you were wondering what the muppets were
actually going to do in the magic kingdom. Personally, I think the
Swedish Chef could take those Japanese guys on Iron Chef anyday. And
Dr. Bunsen Honeydew and Beaker will undoubtedly be put to work in the
Disney labs. I picture a chain around poor Beaker's neck while they
slave away over experiments on how to further brainwash children. I'm
also picturing Kermit taking over for Peter Jennings on the ABC Nightly
News...I mean, come on, Kermit's got plenty of experience from doing
the news on Sesame Street. Kermie just doesn't give me that Monday
Night Football vibe. Al Michaels wouldn't know what to do with him. And
of course, Piggy can get her lard ridden butt over to the Lizzie
McGuire soundstage and do a karate chop on Hillary Duff. Oh, wait.
Hillary quit. Damn. Hmmm. Someone must be worthy of a karate chop at
Disney? Oh, I know. Michael Eisner. Perfect. Piggy can just go beserk
on him and the board's problems would be solved. And I'm sure they'd
give her a bonus, too.

Posted by Kathy at February 1, 2004 12:09 AM | TrackBack
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