Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton and Rep. John McHugh are picking a fight
with the fictional ``West Wing'' over a scene aired Wednesday night in
which an aide discussed closing a real-life New York military base.
Clinton, D-N.Y., and McHugh, R-N.Y., fired off a letter Thursday to
Deputy White House Chief of Staff Joshua Lyman, the TV character played
by Bradley Whitford. ``Dear Josh,'' begins the letter from Clinton and
McHugh, who are real, to Lyman, who is not.
On Wednesday's episode of the NBC drama, a general meeting with Lyman
suggested Fort Drum in northern New York, site of deep-snow combat
training, may be shuttered. ``We want to make sure that such a
recommendation doesn't make it into another West Wing scene,'' the
tongue-in-cheek letter says. ``It is important that all White House
advisors have the most current information to respond to such flawed
This is so unbelivably stupid I am actually at a loss for words.
--- Payback's a bitch,
ain't it Larry? Perhaps it would have behooved you to keep your mouth
shut during the whole IE anti-trust debacle?
In Renton, Washington, in his forty million dollar house by the sea,
Bill Gates is slurping down whatever nerdy beverage he drinks and is
chortling with glee. Putting down his milkshake, he will rub his hands
together eagerly, and say in a Dr. Evil tone of voice, "Excellent,"
while plotting for further world domination by Microsquash.
--- Garry Trudeau is an ass.
So, let me see if I've got this one straight: Trudeau is going to give
$10K to the USO in return for "online testimony" (gives one leave to
wonder if "Well, I got it on with a girl in Alabama..." counts as an
'online testimony') about whether Bush showed up at the airbase in
Alabama or not. Interesting. And how big a tax deduction are you, Garry
Trudeau, going to get on your USO donation? Or do you fill out the EZ