January 01, 2004

--- Most people in my

--- Most people in my family, particularly my brothers, are
mercenaries. Everything's a deal with them. They want something in
return for services performed. When I was chatting on the phone with my
brother Mike a week before the party, he wondered if we should have a
master of ceremonies. Someone to get up and do a toast and to corral
people if it should be necessary. It was necessary, but who did we want
to do it? That was the kicker. Mike didn't really want the job. Neither
did I. I have a thing about public speaking. Ususally it involves
hyperventilating and a goodly amount of incoherence. Doesn't really
make a great impression, so I was out. We ran through some
possibilities, but we ultimately came to the conclusion that our
brother Tim was the man for the job. Tim is cool. He's laid back. He
knows the value of brevity. He filled all the qualifications for the
job, so he was volunteered. Mike and I were pleased with this and thus
ended the discussion.
The next step was to tell Tim about it. It's one thing to offer up
someone as a sacrificial lamb. It's entirely another to get them agree
to the sacrifice. I sucked up so much you could have called me
"Hoover." I was ultimately informed that he wanted a mention on the
blog in exchange for his services. I said "deal!" So, Timmy, I composed
a haiku for you. I'm not a poet. If you wanted iambic pentameter you
should have made a deal with someone else. Thanks for your
efforts---you were perfect. Tim, God of coolness
Master of public speaking
Well done, brother o' mine

And I am done counting syllables for the day. Woohoo! You see, you can find little things to make your day more interesting. This is mine for today.

Posted by Kathy at January 1, 2004 12:45 PM | TrackBack
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