December 01, 2003

--- And a happy two

--- And a happy two day workweek to all of you working stiffs. Surf all
the porn you can find because you're going to have to go without for FIVE whole days.

FIVE whole days. Without porn.

Oh, the humanity!
The agony, the grief, and the absolute panic racing through your system
at the thought of five whole days without your favorite Asian twins
must be huge right about now. Particularly with that new spam law in
effect. Since you can't surf with impunity at home, lest the spouse or
significant other catch you, you won't even be able to get a slight
thrill when a porno spam arrives in your mailbox. Monday can't come
soon enough, eh? --- Question for the day: how long do you think it
will take for the ads at the top of the page to catch that topic and
start linking to porn sites, eh? I give it a week, or so.
Anybody want to start a pool? --- The husband jokingly asked if he inhaled.

Note to the husband: This is Al and Tipper Gore's kid we're talking about. Of course he inhaled! Duh. His dad invented the Internet; he thought he and Tipper were the basis for Love Story. As a cherry on top of that geek sundae, take into consideration that Tron
remains Al's favorite movie. Then flip over to his mother: she tried to
ban any and all music she found offensive. She's got an even bigger
stick up her a#$ than her husband. You'd inhale too if your parents
were that dorky. Oh, wait, they are and you did. Ignore that bit, then.
{Insert much ducking and running here}
--- So, the question that comes to mind is: does eating insects cause heartburn in the first place?
Anybody want to place a bet on when some corporation will adopt a baby
and turn his/her life into a TV show that they will have no idea about?
--- And here's some non-Christmas music for you. You'll need Real One Player to listen to it.

If it sounds familiar, that's probably because it was attached to that memorable cave dancing scene in Reloaded. This is what all those folks got their groove on to. I love it. I've been dancing around the office to it since May.


Posted by Kathy at December 1, 2003 01:33 PM | TrackBack

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