September 01, 2003

--- Just call him John

--- Just call him John ā€œCut to the Chaseā€ Kerry.

Iā€™m tempted to give him points for just wanting to skip through all the bullshit.


As far as Operation: Libermania,
wellā€¦massive sigh.
I used to live in one of those early states. And I all I can say is I
offer my full-fledged sympathies for all the regular stiffs who live in
either New Hampshire or Iowa. I recommend getting a Rottweiler and
caller-id if you donā€™t want the campaigns to contact you.
Contrary to what the media would have you believe, the normal joe in
either state wants nothing to do with all of the political b.s. that
drops in on their doorstep, like manna from hell, every four years.
Itā€™s a boost to the economy, thatā€™s true: an old server friend of
mine made three hundred bucks in tips from Tom Brokaw one night before
the caucuses. He paid her rent that month. Itā€™s also interesting to
watch, honestly, because all of these people you know arenā€™t
political the other 364 days out of the year suddenly turn into
analysts of the first order and you get a really
good idea of which farmers to pay attention to. But you really donā€™t
want to be a registered voter in either place because when a
candidateā€™s campaign calls your house six times within a forty-eight
hour period before the caucuses, reminding you to make sure you go and support our candidate
it gets a wee bit annoying. And thatā€™s just one candidate. Weā€™re
not talking about the other nine who might be on the ballot who want
your vote just as much as the other guy does.
Before the 1996 caucuses, I actually had to disconnect my phone because
Bob Doleā€™s campaign wouldnā€™t stop calling. They had some database
problems, obviously. One person would call, then a half hour later,
another would call, youā€™d tell them they were annoying you, theyā€™d
apologize and then a day later, youā€™d get another callā€¦then
another, and so on and so forth. Say nothing of Lamar Alexanderā€™s
campaign, or Pat Buchananā€™s or any of the other nimrods who were in
the running.
Been there, done that, bought the t-shirt, trashed the t-shirt and am
now using it to clean the bottom of the toilet. --- Halle-freakinā€™-lujah!

But did he get the ring back?

--- This is curious.
So, they wonā€™t rush into a burning girlsā€™ school because theyā€™re
worried about modesty issues, but theyā€™ll rescue prisoners? Thatā€™s so nice.


---Hey, I watched Contact.
I remember that the first televised broadcast shot out into space was
Hitler at the 1936 Olympics. Maybe this is just the aliens answering
back? {Insert Twlight Zone music here}
--- Was at the drugstore the other day and wound up buying the 70th
Anniversary issue of Esquire.
Yes, I know: itā€™s a menā€™s magazine. So? I like it because it
confirms all those ideas I have about how menā€™s brains arenā€™t in
their heads, but instead reside in their crotches. Itā€™s always nice
to be right, after all. So, Iā€™m flipping through it and am somewhat
annoyed by all their nasty Bush comments, yet am impressed by Gay
Taleseā€™s portrait of Frank Sinatra, which was picked by the editors
as the best feature ever published in Esquire,
and despite Taleseā€™s annoying use of the term Negroes, I find myself
agreeing with them. I also liked their ā€œBest Seventy Sentencesā€
ever feature. I sighed and skipped the obligatory tribute to Muhammed
Ali (honestly, who gives a crap about boxing? Ugh.) Then we got down to
who they considered to be ā€œThe Man of the Last Seventy Years.ā€ And
who should it be but JFK
Ok, skip right over Bill Gates, Steve Jobs, Gordon Moore, Watson and
Crick, Ronald Reagan, Jack Kirby, Winston Churchill, FDR, Charles De
Gaulle, Richard Feynman, Stephen Hawking, just to name a few, and go
with the mushy, feel-good, boomer-idolizing President who squeaked into
office with fewer votes than the current occupant of the Oval Office
(Cook County Morgue, anyone?) and say that heā€™s
the most important man of the last seventy years? Whatever. I am so
fucking sick of Kennedys. Their whole golden-dynasty,
donā€™t-you-wish-you-were-one-of-us?, Camelot myth/PR campaign has
completely backfired on me. The media laps it up, though, and so we are
subjected to more and more books about the affairs JFK had, how ill he
was, how classy Jackie was (and she was classy, Iā€™m not denying
that), how JFK Jr. was being smacked around by his perfect blonde wife,
ad nauseum, ad infinitum. I am sick of the Kennedys.
Gag-me-with-a-spoon sick. If I have to listen to one more frigginā€™
minute of Michael Skakelā€™s (the Kennedy cousin) garbage on CNN,
Iā€™ll puke. But this article was beyond the pale. Despite the fact
itā€™s Oliver Stone-y in its tone (ya know, it was the
military-industrial complex who brought this fine specimen of a man
down because he wanted to pull out of Vietnam and they killed him
before he could do soā€¦the Mr. X speech delivered so convincingly by
Donald Sutherland in the movie), itā€™s complete and utter fluff. Iā€™m
not going to touch that because it would be too easy. However, the man
who wrote it, Charles P. Pierce, claimed in his little ā€œabout the
contributorsā€ spiel that ā€œā€¦we
thought that this is the most important guy in the history of our
magazine because of the way he changed almost everything---not only how
politicians act, but how we look at how they act.ā€
Thanks, Mr.
Pierce! I thought it was enough to pin JFKā€™s ass to the wall over the
landmine-ridden relations with Cuba and Cuban-Americans we now endure
because he didnā€™t provide air support at the Bay of Pigs. Now I
realize I can blame the sleazy fiasco American politics has become on
the martyr who was the most celebrated, most fawned over, most admired
President of the past forty years. JFK. I so appreciate it.

ā€œIn his study of the Kennedy presidency, author Richard Reeves
quotes Kennedy himself as a center of a spoked wheel and, in doing so,
inadvertently posing a insoluble riddle to what would become, after his
death, a nation of his biographers. By the time he got to Dallas, John
Kennedy had grown comfortable with living in the plural.
ā€œIt was instinctive,ā€ Kennedy said. ā€œI had different identities,
and this was a useful way of expressing each without compromising the
others.ā€ There were always enough John Kennedys to be so many things
to so many different people. There were enough of them to keep his
options open---in Cuba and in bed, in Vietnam and in Palm Springs.
There were enough of them, always, so some of them were sure to get in
the way.ā€
At its beginning, there in Los Angeles, this new frontier was supposed
to be cool and ironic, technocratic and rational, settled by scientists
and thinkers and theoreticians. But frontiers are wild and uncivilized
places where people struggle to survive, where people die over private
grudges, where people, a lot of people, carry guns and feel the need to
use them. John Kennedy needed all the identities heā€™d fashioned for
His White House---and the executive establishment that it purported to
lead---was a writhing ball of snakes. The issue of civil rights had
moved swiftly past the hope of any easy compromise. Elsewhere, there
were off-the-books attempts to kill Fidel Castro, covert wranglings
(among other places) Iraqā€¦ A ratā€™s nest was growing in Southeast
Asia to which there seemed no solution. The Joint Chiefs were barely
under control, and the various intelligence agencies vanished into the
dark-blue evening distance of the frontier that John Kennedy had
decalred could be found the nationā€™s best new hope, paying any price
and bearing any burden, from the Bay of Pigs to the Mekong Delta.
In 1960, John Kennedy got up in Los Angeles and promised to make all
things new. In his murder three years later, he managed that trick for

Pierce goes on to chat about how suspicious Kennedyā€™s assassination
was. Iā€™ll grant him, it was suspicious. I donā€™t buy the Warren
Commissionā€™s findings more than anyone else does, but Pierce makes
the argument that since Kennedy lived in the plural, died in the
plural, we are now stuck in the plural.

ā€œJohn Kennedy lived plural lives. Nobodyā€”no sad, pathetic he; no
dark, conniving they---could have possibly killed them all.ā€

ā€œā€You see the creation of an iconic figure,ā€ says Robert
Dallek, the historian who spent five years poring over documents in the
library to produce the most recent biography of Kennedy. ā€œOn the fact
of it, it seems overstated for the sixth-shortest presidency in
history. But you can see him learning. He was the first one to do live
TV press conferences, and what came out of those was the power of his
personality, his wit, his youth. He realized he could use TV to create
an image of himselfā€¦ā€
Not that any of this necessarily began with Kennedy. The political
utility of self-mythology was familiar to both Abraham Lincoln and
George Washington, and to Julius Caesar, for all that. But Kennedy
attached his candidacy to the emerging information media of the time
and to the emerging science of public opinion as surely as he attached
the rhetoric of the New Frontier to the exploding space-age
technologies, and he did it so well that his mythology still dwarfs
that of any other candidate who has come before or after him.ā€

Groovy. Itā€™s clear now: the reason I have to listen to Howard Dean
shove as many sound-bites as he possibly can into a two-minute
interview on CNN is because JFK changed the political landscape. Gee,
The plural lives John Kennedy lived are not something to be celebrated,
no matter what Mr. Pierce would have us believe. He asserts this is the
reason why no other president following his heroā€™s reign will ever
have the lasting legacy of JFK. ā€œ---Jimmy Carterā€™s church bells, Ronald Reaganā€™s little
parables, George H.W. Bushā€™s points of light, Bill Clintonā€™s place
called Hope, and a lot of the way that young George Bush attempted to
reconstruct the word after the towers fell. But none of them lasted,
not the way JFK has, and not because he died, either. He lasted because
he touched off the awesome forces of desire within the evolving human
heart of his times, before the heart itself knew they were even there,
before it had evolved enough to guard against them, before it had
hardened itself---as it has today, God knows---to see them coming.
Every political campaign since that one, including the one just
gathering steam, is nothing more than an aftershock.ā€

Gag. Sullivan should issue a Poseur Alert for that one. Why Pierce
thinks JFKā€™s many lives should be celebrated is obvious: heā€™s
enamored of the man. But itā€™s specious critical thinking, if, in
fact, any critical thinking was used in the writing of this piece,
which I suspect it wasnā€™t. JFK was a skilled politician, not a
The idea of plural lives in a politician is not something to be
admired. Itā€™s something to be abhorred. Itā€™s the antithesis of
leadership. If you are going to be many things to many different
people, how can you possibly know who you are and what
you are made of if youā€™re never called on to be consistent? A leader
may not always be consistent, itā€™s true, but being a leader means
explaining why youā€™re not being consistent if you canā€™t be. The
hand of fate interceded and Kennedy was never placed in such a position
where he had to defend himself on his inconsistent life. If you can be
many things to many people, how can you lead the masses if, by taking
such a position, you refuse to acknowledge that there are masses, but
many groups of special interests that need to be pandered to for votes
instead? Pierce has it wrong. JFK was a skilled politician; not the
be-all-end-all leader of our times. Thereā€™s a difference. Everyone
who has been elected to the Oval Office since his term has been
criticized for not being as skilled as JFK, for not being as personable
as JFKā€¦the list goes on and on. Well, I donā€™t see any of those as
slams. I see them as a compliment. When did a lack of artifice become a
bad thing? A sign that the person who lacks the artifice is not someone
we want to lead us? Because, you know, JFK was all about artifice.
Pierce says so. Letā€™s be honest. The plural lives of JFK that Pierce
celebrates are also the nasty parts of JFK. The ones only a select few
knew about when he was alive. But since Pierce celebrates them, I want
to know why they show JFK was a good man, a good president and a good
leader. Being successfully covert about the fucking of a movie star
means what, precisely? That heā€™ll was able to keep his trap shut when
National Security secrets were involved? Lying to Americans about the
extent of his health problems was a good thing? Why? Because the
stupid, prejudiced American public would have discriminated against him
because of it? Having Sam Giancana to pull votes for him means JFK had
a good, insider idea of organized crime and his ideas on how to best
deal with it were based in reality? I donā€™t think so. It means the
man was a lying bastard who would do anything to obtain the presidency,
because he didnā€™t want to lead; he wanted to hold the office. ---
Chuckle of the Day. Ouch.
Why does it seem all the idiots live in Germany nowadays? Better
question would be what the hell did they need a chainsaw for? Wasnā€™t
Wusthof-Trident German enough for them? You can slice your finger off
quicker with one of those knives and unlike with a chainsaw, you
wouldnā€™t feel it.

Posted by Kathy at September 1, 2003 03:46 PM | TrackBack

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Kartel and three other defendants have been convicted of killing of Clive "Lizard" Williams in a row over a missing gun

Note: We do not store your email address(es) but your IP address will be logged to prevent abuse of this feature. Please read our Legal Terms & Policies

Hundreds of Jamaicans chanted "free Kartel" outside court as the popular dancehall star Vybz Kartel was today found guilty of murder following a high-profile trial.

As police in riot gear guarded barricaded streets outside Kingston's Supreme Court, ten members of an 11-person jury foundĀ KartelĀ and the three others guilty of the October 2011 killing of Clive Lizard human hair wigs Williams in a row over a missing gun.

One defendant was cleared of wrongdoing.

The day's session started amid heavy security as police blocked streets off surrounding the courts.

About 200 people briefly broke through barricades at one intersection shouting free hair half wigs Kartel shortly before the jury started their deliberations in the afternoon.

Prosecutors alleged Williams was beaten to death atĀ Kartel's home in August 2011 after hair extension prices being lured there to answer for two missing illegal guns.

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His body has never been found. Police testified they retrieved a text message fromĀ Kartel's phone saying Williams was chopped up in a mincemeat so fine that his remains would never be found.

Defence lawyer Tom Tavares-Finson had told jurors the prosecution's case againstĀ KartelĀ was dishonest and incompetent, noting that witness statements and a compact disc with evidence saved on it somehow went missing.

In a bizarre twist, a male juror was arrested on Thursday evening on charges of attempting to bribe the jury foreman in an attempt to influence the panel to freeĀ Kartel, whose real name is Adidja Palmer.

Last year, another murder case againstĀ KartelĀ and two other co-defendants collapsed after prosecutors failed to produce evidence to support allegations that the trio killed businessman Barrington Bossy Burton in 2011.Ā 

Authorities confirmed the arrest but disclosed few details.

Sentencing is set for 27 March. Lawyers acting for Kartel have indicated they will appeal against the verdict.

Additional reporting by Associated Press

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Wednesday, March 19, 2014 / Yankees Follow @nydailynews
CC Sabathia dominates for Yankees, looks like old self Sabathia fanned five in the outing, three of them in the fourth inning including Marlins slugger Giancarlo Stanton, who went down swinging to end the frame.
PANAMA CITY ā€” Saturday was a day to fashion hair extensions celebrate Mariano Rivera in front of his native country. Sunday was a day for CC Sabathia to give Yankees fans a reason for hope that another celebration could be in the works later this year.

Five days after Sabathia declared that he ā€œsuckedā€ against the Nationals, the big lefty fired five no-hit innings against the Marlins, leading the Yankees to a 7-0 win as they earned a split of the two-game weekend set at Rod Carew National Stadium. Sabathia retired 15 of the 16 batters he faced, the lone Marlins hitter reaching base on a throwing error by third baseman Zelous Wheeler with two out in the fifth. ā€œAs critical as I was of myself last time, I donā€™t want to get too excited about pitching well,ā€ Sabathia said. ā€œIt is still spring training and Iā€™m still working on stuff. I was just frustrated last week. This feels good, to go out and put this behind me. I have two starts left. Iā€™ll fashion hair extensions be ready for April 1.ā€ Sabathia fanned five in the outing, three of them in the fourth inning including Giancarlo Stanton, who went down swinging to end the frame. ā€œI love when guys have high expectations of themselves,ā€ Joe Girardi said. ā€œI think itā€™s important when you do, if you want to pitch at this level and be successful, youā€™d better have high expectations.ā€ Unlike last start, Sabathia curtailed the use of his new cutter, throwing buy hair extensions only two all game as he focused on his fastball and changeup. ā€œIā€™m tired; it was hot,ā€ Sabathia said after pitching in the sizzling 90-degree Panama heat. ā€œAs far as throwing strikes, I felt a lot better. Me and (Francisco Cervelli) talked before the game about just going fastball-changeup for the first couple innings, trying to get a feel for that, moving the ball in and out. We got some swings early, so it was good. ā€œI really want to get my pitches that I know I can throw working well going into the season, then still work on the cutter on the side and playing catch.ā€ The stands were not as packed as they were during Saturdayā€™s sellout, but the noise level was still quite noticeable as drums, cowbells and vuvuzela horns filled the thick air throughout the game. ā€œI normally donā€™t hear the crowd, but I did hear the drums a couple times,ā€ Sabathia said. ā€œItā€™s just something a little different; all the sounds, the horns and all that stuff. I normally do a good job of blocking out the crowd, but I did a couple times hear the horn and I was like, ā€˜Whatā€™s going on?ā€™ā€ Although Girardi hasnā€™t revealed his rotation plans, itā€™s widely assumed that Sabathia will take the ball for the season-opener in Houston. With two spring starts remaining, the southpaw will use them to tune up his repertoire and build more arm strength to help his fastball, which hovered around 90 mph Sunday. ā€œToday he got more confidence,ā€ Cervelli said. ā€œI think weā€™re looking forward to seeing a little more power, but heā€™s just trying to throw strikes. Two more starts and then weā€™re going to see a lot of good things from CC. Weā€™re looking to see the good mechanics. After that, everything is going to come.ā€ Rivera accompanied Roberto Duran to the mound for the ceremonial first pitch, getting one last ovation from his fellow Panamanians as the countryā€™s two most celebrated athletes stood together. It was all baseball from there, giving Sabathia a chance to leave his mark on the weekend trip. As the Yankees prepared to head back to Tampa for the final two weeks of spring training, it was clear the weekend had been a smashing success. ā€œI think this turned out great,ā€ Sabathia said. ā€œAll the guys had a good time, Mo was excited to have us here. It was a good event. All the guys are talking about if we can come back next year. We had a lot of fun.ā€ Posted by: Raymondteed at March 20, 2014 01:24 AM

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Posted by: ???????? at April 4, 2014 10:05 AM
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