--Oh me, oh my…what a day. Jackhammers blaring outside, the noise
floating inside, and my mind wishing it, and the rest of me, were on a
beach in Fiji right about now because I might have killed my laptop. I
just made the mother of all boo-boos when it comes to computing, that
is the keeping of cold beverages near the computer. My fingers slipped
while I was taking a drink and about half of a liter bottle of water
dumped all over the keyboard, which is inconveniently placed right over
all the components in a tidy little arrangement of form and
transportability. {insert massive, wrinkle etching, cringe here}
Fortunately, the husband was all over it. I mopped up my desk, while he
started pulling components apart and spraying that canned air stuff on
them to assist the drying out process. Fortunately, or not, you be the
judge, the thing performed a hard shut down, and after we thought we
had everything, with hopeful faces, we booted it up. Hurrah! It went.
For just enough time to get to the XP welcome screen, then it crashed
again. Then it wouldn’t boot up at all. My laptop has now been
completely disassembled, and is currently lying on the dining room
table, looking much like a patient on an operating table, who’s about
to get five different new organs and is just waiting for them to show
up in their beer coolers. The husband is sure if we just give it some
time to dry out, it should be fine. I hope he’s right. Currently,
I’m on his computer, aptly named Gandalf, (mine is called wee
bastard…I leave it to you to guess why). But he has an actual, normal,
keyboard. It’s all curved and stuff, and I’m making typos left and
right because it’s so different from mine (which is flat), so have
patience with me and more importantly, keep thy fingers crossed.
So, the Soviet Union’s joining the EU, eh? Finally. Some sense of order to that beastly body. I can barely wait.
-- Amen!
Methinks it’s more because the ratings sucked last year, rather than
any grand conspiracy on the media’s part, but I can see her point.
Everyone’s grief was still too raw last year for 24 hour news
coverage of the anniversary. I, for one, couldn’t bear to watch
anything on television. We had a news blackout in our house, and on the
whole, I think that was a good thing. This year, however, would be as
good a time as any to at least have some
straight news footage shot that day, that is, without the mewling,
sappy, music they always choose to run in the background. I’m like
Rachel. I don’t want cleverly edited montages: I want the hard stuff.
We have to remember, and a montage isn’t going to give us the whole
-- Hitch is such a good little atheist
Who else would have had the uniqueness of thought to actually attempt a completely agnostic analysis of the Ten Commandments?
Posted by Kathy at August 1, 2003 03:41 PM | TrackBack