February 29, 2008

What the Hell?: The Leap Day 2008 Edition

Because what's been missing around here lately is some random outrage on my behalf. Sorry. I've been slacking. I'll try to do better in the future, but, I present to you, my devoted Cake Eater readers, my effort to try and fix the problem.

1. I just looked at my calendar for next week, and it appears Daylight Savings Time starts next Sunday, March 9th. WHAT THE HELL? That seems a wee bit early, eh? If things continue apace, we're still going to have snow on the ground. How, precisely, is that going to help the farmers in this neck of the woods, eh?

I seem to remember this early DST thing happening last year, too, but as I was in the throes of recovering from serious surgery, it didn't make too much of a dent, apparently. I'm not really getting this whole deal. It may help the folks down south, but up here in the hinterlands, where the sun just started setting a few moments before six p.m.? Not going to help all that much, I'm afraid. Particularly since the ground is still frozen solid.


While I fully realize I'm behind the times here, the simple fact that Jessica Alba and any number of other celebrities have lined up behind Barack Obama because, and excuse me while I paraphrase here, he'll be OUR president, and not the president of the top 10% of the country, doesn't exactly make me want to vote for the guy, ya dig? (Not like I was going to anyway, but I'm on a roll, or will be shortly, so I'm not going to let facts get in the damn way.)

Who do these people think they are? THEY ARE THE TOP TEN PERCENT OF THE COUNTRY! They make ludicrous amounts of money for what? Pretending to be someone else. Oh, that's a NOBLE profession right there, let me tell ya, and one that, apparently, qualifies them to tell us who to freakin' vote for. BITE ME! Take your fake tits, ass implants, botox, and, most importantly, your misguided noblesse oblige and shove it up your ass.

Posted by Kathy at February 29, 2008 01:25 PM | TrackBack