January 05, 2008


Oh, Look, a levee broke.

By afternoon, the Truckee River water flowing into the canal was diverted upstream, said Ernie Schank, president of the Truckee-Carson Irrigation District. As the water receded, Fernley Mayor Todd Cutler said he had reports of damage to at least 300 to 400 homes.

One official suggested burrowing rodents might have contributed to the break in the levee along with the heavy rains, but the cause wasn't clear.

"We have to look at the weather as the culprit right now, but we are not sure of that," Huntley said.

Let me say it first: it's all Bush's fault.

Because we all know that's where it's going, right?

As of 6:40p.m. CST January 5, 2008, I beat the Huff Po and Kos with this *exclusive* observation. To be honest, though, this "Blame Bush" stuff ain't all that hard. Point finger, lay blame, get excessively windy and self righteous. Lather, rinse, repeat.

Maybe I can parlay this exclusive into a job at Newsweek, too. Ya think?

Posted by Kathy at January 5, 2008 06:43 PM | TrackBack