September 06, 2007

Pavarotti is a Tenor, Paganini Was a Composer

Ahem. I present you, my devoted Cake Eater readers, with The Hunt for Red October:

Watson: Seaman Jones here is into music in a big way, and he views this whole boat as his own personal, private stereo set. Well, one day he's got this piece of Pavarotti...

Seaman Jones: It was Paganini.

Watson: Whatever.

Seaman Jones: It was Paganini.

Watson: Look, this is my story, okay?

Seaman Jones: Then tell it right, COB. Pavarotti is a tenor, Paganini was a composer.

Watson: So anyway, he's got this music out in the water, and he's listening to it on his headsets, and he's just happy as a clam. And then all hell breaks loose. See, there's this whole slew of boats out in the water...

Seaman Jones: Including one WAY out at Pearl!

Watson: Including one way the hell out at Pearl. All of a sudden, they start hearing...

Beaumont: Pavarotti!

Watson: Coming up their asses!

I won't confess to knowing much about opera. I don't even really know all that much about Pavarotti, but I, like much of the world, can at least recognize a big, fat, gorgeous voice, overflowing with passion, when I hear it.

Here's the only Pavarotti I have in my music collection. U2's Miss Sarajevo.

Pavarotti could simply be singing "I have a wedgie" repeatedly and I would have no idea, but damn, ain't it the most gorgeous wedgie-whine you've ever heard? His vocals take the song to a whole different level.

RIP, big man. RIP.

Posted by Kathy at September 6, 2007 09:14 AM | TrackBack

You missed your calling as a music critic. I haven't googled it (and I hesitate to do so), but this absolutely has to be one of the first ever uses of the word "wedgie-whine".

Posted by: Bob at September 7, 2007 02:24 PM