October 13, 2006

Gratuitous Improvised Gap-Filling Post

Whoops! Looks like I let things go too long here, as my last post just dropped off the face o' the blog, leaving nothing but the stylzed image of your lovely hostess, Kathy the Cake-Eater.

Not that this isn't pleasant in itself, but I hate to think of all that blank space going to waste.

Gotta think of something quick.


Oh, I know -

One of my main frustrations about blogging is the fact that I can't discuss my work. On the one hand, there's the whole attorney-client thing. On the other, there's the complication of working for Uncle Sam. Between these, I'd have to be so careful about what I said and how I said it, that it simply isn't worth the risk of trying to put something up on the blog. So I keep mum.

Which is a pity, because it would be nice sometimes to grump and vent, and it would be equally nice to trumpet the occasional modest triumphs that come down the pike. I suppose I'll just have to store up all my anecdotes and write a book some day.

I suppose I'm thinking about this now because it's been a good couple of weeks on the job. I've turned in some good work that has earned me a bit of praise from the suits, and I've just received a couple of challenging new assignments that will keep me both entertained and very busy for the next few months. Every day, I'm feeling more confident in what I do and more like I'm actually contributing something to the greater good.

Which makes it all the more irritating that I can't tell you anything about it.

Oh, well.

Posted by Robert at October 13, 2006 12:46 PM | TrackBack


Posted by: Steve the LLamabutcher at October 16, 2006 10:32 AM