March 21, 2006

Taking the Train to Promo Town

Two things relating to a few of my favorite fellas.

  • The Galley Slaves has undergone a bit of a remodel, and they're posting again. All of which is very nice because I was beginning to feel like a dork for going over there and checking to see if they were posting.
  • And we have a bit of a news flash: the husband now has a blog!

    Aieeeeeeee! I know. It's quite scary, isn't it? Next thing you know he'll be posting excerpts from The White House Cookbook and ranting on about how kerosene is a good cleaner.

    Erm, anyway, he has recruited a few of his gamer geek friends and they will be blogging on (mostly) tech related stuff, although I wouldn't put it past them to post on elf pr0n in World of Warcraft and the like when things get boring. Go on over and harrass them for no particular reason other than I told you to do so. Because I like pretending I'm omnipotent and this is as good a way as any other to get my kicks.

Posted by Kathy at March 21, 2006 09:31 PM | TrackBack

thanks for the plug!

As requested, Elf Pr0n awaits!

Posted by: MRN aka "The Husband" at March 22, 2006 11:39 PM
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