I should have known: it was fifty degrees the other day; it's March in Minnesota; the other shoe was bound to drop, ending all that joy.
The local weatherguy says we've got somewhere between four and eight inches of heavy, wet snow, but it's not like I can look out the window and eyeball it. No sirreee. Because all the screens are covered with snow. I'm just glad we have satellite because for a time last night we didn't. Usually this is the kind of snow that knocks that bad boy right out.
Anyway, it looks like Mr. Tinkles got out of cat prison and went nuts with the flocking machine again.
They actually cancelled school here, which---stop the presses---is not something that happens every day. The husband turned on the news, saw footage of many sideways buses and decided to take a snow day.
Here's the view from one of two snow-free windows, which, conveniently, happen to be right next to my desk.
It was a good thing that I took this picture when I did. I had the window open and was aiming for the next shot when....
...that same bough broke.
I can't get a clear shot of the fallen bough from here, because the snow is blocking the screen, but suffice it to say that it was a very clear and loud 'crack.' The husband, quite rightly, berated me for missing the action shot.
Posted by Kathy at March 13, 2006 09:33 AM | TrackBack