We're Heeeere
Man, am I tired.
Suffice it to say, it has been one exceedingly long day. I won't bore you with the minute details, other than...in order:
- Today was a first for me: I was actually on a domestic flight that had a movie. Wow. I watched I Walk the Line and wasn't really all that impressed with Joaquin and Reese's emoting because I couldn't see them hardly at all with the glare on the screen.
- The In-N-Out was wonderful, thank you very much. It was made even better by the fact that we ate it outside. It was seventy degrees and sunny. YEAH!
- I mentioned that the in-laws now live in a suburb of Nogales. This is about two and a half hours south of Phoenix, where we flew into (with the encouragement of the in-laws), which meant a lengthy drive after flying a very long way. Desert is interesting to look at for, oh, about five minutes. Then it's "If you've seen one mountain dotted with brush and cactii, you've seen them all." The strip mining leftovers south of Tucson actually broke up the monotony of tumbleweeds, cactii and Joshua trees.
I feel the need to berate Arizonans for one thing, though: YOU PEOPLE ARE FILTHY BUGGERS!
I have NEVER EVER seen so much litter along the roadside in my life. It was absolutely disgusting. Every three feet there was paper, or styrofoam containers or whatever else people could throw out of their cars at high speed. I wondered why it seemed the desert by the side of the road was glittering, but it wasn't anything magical, it was the sun reflecting off broken glass. It was disgusting, and I was so NOT impressed.
I am now going to go and soak the airline woes away and then I'm going to sleep the sleep of the righteous.
Posted by Kathy at February 23, 2006 09:41 PM
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