January 02, 2006

"The White House Cookbook": Catsups

Yep. Within the "Sauces and Dressings" section there is a subsection of catsup recipies.

Not "ketchup."


In a variety of flavors beside tomato!

Take the jump if you're interested and have mad canning skillz.


Tomato Catsup No. 1

Put into two quarts of tomato pulp (or two cans of canned tomatoes) one onion, cut fine, two tablespoonfuls of salt and three tablespoonfuls of brown sugar. Boil until quite thick; then take from the fire and strain it through a sieve, working it until it is all through but the seeds. Put it back on the stove, and add two tablespoonfuls of mustard, one of allspice, once of black pepper and one of cinnamon, one teaspoonful of ground cloves, halve a teaspoonful of cayenne pepper, one grated nutmeg, one pint of good vinegar; boil it until it will just run from the mouth of a bottle. It should be watched, stirred often, that it does not burn. If sealed tight while hot, in large-mouthed bottles, it will keep good for years.

Tomato Catsup No. 2

Cook one gallon of choice ripe tomatoes; strain them, and cook again until they become quite thick. About fifteen minutes before taking up put into them a small level teaspoonful of cayenne pepper, one tablespoonful of mustard seed, half a tablespoonful of whole cloves, one tablespoonful of whole allspice, all tied in a thin muslin bag. At the same time, add one heaping tablespoonful of sugar, and one teacupful of best vinegar and salt to suit the taste. Seal up air-tight, either in bottles or jugs. This is a valuable Southern recipe.

Green Tomato Catsup

One peck of green tomatoes and two large onions sliced. Place them in layers, sprinkling salt between; let them stand twenty-four hours and then drain them. Add a quarter of a pound of mustard seed, one ounce allspice, one ounce cloves, one ounce ground mustard, one ounce ground ginger, two tablespoonfuls black pepper, two tablespoonfuls celery seed, a quarter of a pound brown sugar. Put all in preserving pan, cover with vinegar and boil two hours; then strain through a sieve and bottle for use.

Walnut Catsup

One hundred walnuts, six ounces of shallots, one head of garlic, half a pound of salt, two quarts of vinegar, two ounces of anchovies, two ounces of pepper, a quarter of an ounce of mace, half an ounce of cloves; beat in a large mortar a hundred green walnuts until they are thoroughly broken; then put them into a jar with six ounces of shallots cut into pieces, a head of garlic, two quarts of vinegar, and the half pound of salt; let them stand for a fortnight, stirring them twice a day. Strain off the liquor, put into a stewpan with the anchovies, whole pepper, half an ounce of cloves and a quarter of an ounce of mace; boil it a half an hour, skimming it well. Strain it off, and, when cold, pour it clear from any sediment into small bottles, cork it down closely and store it in a dry place. The sediment can be used for flavoring sauces.

Oyster Catsup

One pint of oyster meats, one teacupful of sherry, a tablespoonful of salt, a teaspoonful of cayenne pepper, the same of powdered mace, a gill of cider vinegar {Ed. The omniscient husband reports that there are x number of gills in a dram. He couldn't tell you how many, but I think dram will put you on the right track}

Procure the oysters very fresh and open sufficient to fill a pint measure; save the liquor and scald the oysters in it with the sherry; strain the oysters and chop them fine with the salt, cayenne, and mace, until reduced to a pulp; then add it to the liquor in which they were scalded; boil it again five minutes and skim well; rub the whole through a sieve, and, when cold, bottle and cork closely. The corks should be sealed.

{Ed. I wonder what Tony Bourdain would say. This just sounds like a distinct plea for a midnight trip to the Emergency Room. }

Mushroom Catsup

Use the large kind known as umbrellas or "flaps." They must be very fresha nd not gathered in very wet weather, or the catsup will be less apt to keep. Wash and cut them in two to four pieces, and place them in a wide, flat jar, or crock in layers, sprinkling each layer with salt and let them stand for twenty-four hours; take them out and press out the juice, when bottle and cork; put the mushrooms back again, and another twenty-four hours press them again; bottle and cork; repeat this for the third time, and then mix together all the juice extracted; add to it pepper, allspice, one or more cloves according to quantity, pounded together; boil the whole, and skim as long as any scum rises; bottle when cool; put in each bottle two cloves and a pepper corn. Cork and seal, put in a dry place, and it will keep for years.

Gooseberry Catsup

Ten pounds of fruit gathered just before ripening, five pounds of sugar, one quart of vinegar, two tablespoonfuls each of ground black pepper, allspice and cinnamon. Boil the fruit in vinegar until reduce to a pulp, then add sugar and other seasoning. Seal it hot.

Grape catsup is made in the same manner.

Cucumber Catsup

Take cucumbers suitable for the table; peel and grate them, salt a little and put into a bag to drain over night; in the morning season to taste with salt, pepper and vinegar, put in small jars and seal toght for fall or winter use.

Currant Catsup

Four pounds of currants, two pounds of sugar, one pint of vinegar, one teaspoonful of cloves, a tablespoonful of cinnamon, pepper and allspice. Boil in a porcelain saucepan until thoroughly cooked. Strain through a sieve all but the skins; boil down until just thick enough to run freely from the mouth of the bottle when cold. Cork and set aside.

Apple Catsup

Peel and quarter a dozen sound, tart apples; stew them until soft in as little water as possible, then pass them through a sieve. To a quart of the sifted apple add a teacupful of sugar, one teaspoonful of pepper, one of cloves, one of mustard, two of cinnamon, and two medium-sized onions, chopped very fine. Stir all together, adding a tablespoonful of salt and a pint of vinegar. Place over the fire and boil one hour, and bottle while hot; seal very tight. It should be about as thick as tomato catsup, so that it will just run from the bottle.

Posted by Kathy at January 2, 2006 10:59 PM | TrackBack

The walnut one sounds interesting!

Posted by: Fausta at January 3, 2006 10:23 AM
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