November 22, 2005

Blogger in Need

Minnesota Democrats Exposed is in some serious trouble and needs help.

If you can do so, please help.

A related aside that should not be seen as a commentary on MDE's plight: this is the worst-case scenario that results from blogging anonymously. Most people blog anonymously and have no troubles with it. Some do, however---obviously. I can understand why people blog anonymously. However, it seems to me that if you choose to do so, you are simply putting a target on your back. By choosing to hide your identity, you are making it known to the world that you have something to lose by identifying yourself. Hence, the minute someone disagrees with you, and they want to get mean about it, they'll try to out you. And don't kid yourselves: no one is anonymous on the internet. Whois is just one click away and that's the beginning of the search.

In my humble opinion, it's easier to be yourself. When you have nothing to hide, you've got nothing to lose.

Posted by Kathy at November 22, 2005 10:13 PM | TrackBack

Still, some of us don't really have a choice about anonymous blogging.

Posted by: RP at November 23, 2005 03:33 PM

And I DO understand that, RP.

It seems to me, however, that so many people jump on the anony-blogging bandwagon, thinking no one will be able to track them down; or that there are so many people who do blog anonymously that they'll just be one more in the crowd, and hence no one will come after them---and it's just not true. In other words, some people accurately estimate what the risk level is and others don't. The world is just chock a block full of assholes who live to out people to make a point.

Posted by: Kathy at November 23, 2005 04:28 PM
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