November 22, 2005


I'm told that when you have children they ask all sorts of questions. Particularly when they get to school and their classmates start spreading nasty rumors like that there is no Santa or that the tooth fairy doesn't exist. I'm told that parents, like the White House Press Secretary, are often put in the sticky situation of having to confirm or deny such rumors. Robbo, it seems, had to deal with this last night with his eldest, but I think Llama-ette #1 gets points for creativity.

"Elvis died on the potty!" ---Llama-ette #1

Go read the whole thing.

I particularly love this bit:

{...}At first, I was amazed that the gel had even heard the name before. When I asked if she knew who he was, she answered, "Yes, she said he was the king of rock and roll."

"Well, yes, that's right - he was a singer," I replied.{...}

Now if I know my dear pal Robbo like I think I know my dear pal Robbo, he was chafing by this point. I'm sure he didn't want to talk so much to his daughter about how Elvis died, but rather would have preferred to instruct the eldest llama-ette about whether Elvis really could be considered to be "The King of Rock and Roll."

Posted by Kathy at November 22, 2005 10:11 AM | TrackBack

Well, put it this way - he may have been the King, but "In the Ghetto" is justifiable grounds for regicide.

Posted by: Robbo the Llama Butcher at November 22, 2005 12:26 PM

I can't believe what I'm seeing. First a post ripping Johnny Cash, and now one questioning Elvis' status as the King? What is wrong with you people. Also, In the Ghetto is both a great song and poetry on the vicious circle of poverty.

Posted by: Nihikist In Golf Pants at November 22, 2005 08:25 PM
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