August 30, 2005

They've Aged So Well

Sheila would like to wish a very happy 20th birthday to The Breakfast Club.

I was in eighth grade when that movie came out, hence I couldn't go to see it, the movie theaters in Omaha being the only place in the whole frickin' world where MPAA ratings are respected and enforced. I remember renting it about a year later, and I vividly remember my mother BLOWING A GASKET when she saw the rating. Of course this was after I'd watched it five times.


It's an incredible movie that finally got the whole high school experience so incredibly right. I can't bother watching any of this crap that comes out nowadays that's meant for the youth of today. I just can't. It's all too happy-go-lucky, high school is the best time of your life, everyone's beautiful---including the unpopular people, that unpopular girl is just one makeover away from being gorgeous, etc. It's just all bullshit. It's someone's representation of how high school should be, rather than what it actually is: four years of being judged upon who you seem to be, rather than who you actually are. Which is very freakin' odd if you think about it, because no one at age fourteen has the slightest clue of who they are and who they will be, but that's beside the point. The Breakfast Club ignored all this and portrayed high school as it is and it's a brilliant film because of it.

Go read.

Posted by Kathy at August 30, 2005 02:03 PM | TrackBack

I think I must be the only person in the world who has never seen it.

Posted by: Ith at August 30, 2005 02:54 PM

no, i haven't seen it either!

Posted by: amelie at August 31, 2005 08:28 AM

I recently taped the network version, (edited), and watched it with the Girl. I still enjoy it.

I remember telling her in junior high that I could tell her what the different cliques were in her school. For some reason, it never changes. Thank God we only have to do it once.

Posted by: Sandy at September 5, 2005 03:12 PM
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