So, you know your blogging habit is bad when your mother calls and wonders if your blog bill is current because she can't get to it.
From what I and a few other moo knewvians can gather the server was down this afternoon. We don't know why, but we're happy it's back up.
Anyway, here's a few tidbits for you, my devoted Cake Eater Readers, to tide you over until I get the urge to get all windy on you.
The fact Madonna showed her navel marked her as a "mainstream provocateur?" Give me a break, eh? It's what marked that she had no modesty. There's a bit of a difference, eh? Not to mention that Keith Richard's liver is listed at #2, but---AHEM---there's apparently no mention made of Mick's lips on this list???
You're doing a list of the twenty-five most incredible body parts in Rock and Roll and you neglect to mention Mick's lips? WTF?
I think it's sleazy of the French to do this. It seems like sour grapes to me.
I swear, I almost fainted.
The Galley Slaves: Goin' for Broke in the Raciness Department!
That should keep you busy for the time being.
Posted by Kathy at August 23, 2005 04:52 PM | TrackBack