August 22, 2005

A Baldwin Brother Conspiracy

Would you listen to this man tell you what to eat or where to purchase it from?


If Alec Baldwin's a vegetarian, I'm the freakin' Queen of Sheeba.

Alec, no doubt, sneaks down to BK every day and wolfs down a few Whoppers. Quite simply put, you don't get that porky without fast food being involved. It just doesn't happen. Alec could get back to his The Hunt for Red October weight by eating broccoli every day, all day long. And the world of women would be happy, because God only knows Alec was hot when he was thin. He was a veritable Hottie McHotHot. Yet, despite his PETA advocacy, he hasn't lost one ounce. Hmmmm. That's suspicious.

Could it be, kids, that Alec is the beneficiary of a deal with Burger King wherein he stops denouncing them and he gets all the free Whoppers he can eat?

I speculate. You decide.

Posted by Kathy at August 22, 2005 06:04 PM | TrackBack


You are NOT the Queen of Sheba?

; )

Posted by: Chrissy at August 22, 2005 06:20 PM

Hasn't that asshole moved to Canada yet? Why the hell would we let him tell us what to eat...we sure as hell didn't let him tell us how to vote ;P

Posted by: MRN aka "The Husband" at August 22, 2005 09:05 PM

insert Pollyanna look here

But of course! Alec Baldwin is my guru, my shining mist, my beacon of light. I do only as the Great Alec says.

end Pollyanna

But seriously...Alec Who? What was the last thing he did? Team America: World Police? I don't think that one counts, though.

Alec Baldwin is as timely and important as Marie Antoinette's hairnet.

Posted by: Phoenix at August 23, 2005 07:03 AM
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