August 16, 2005

Marketing Gone Mad

I had a banana for breakfast this morning. As is the norm there was a sticker on the banana.


Everything's fine, right? There are always stickers on bananas. Then I actually looked at it...


What the hell was the thought process here? Did some marketing punk think, "Hey, most kids have bananas with lunch, and statistics show that shoppers go through the produce aisle before they go to the freezer aisle, so we'll put the stickers on the bananas. This will remind people to go to the freezer aisle to pick up our uncrustables for the entire lunch experience."

What utter bullshit.

It should probably be a clue that when you're marketing your product by putting stickers on bananas that you've reached the peak selling potential of said product. If people aren't buying them now, a sticker on a banana surely isn't going to do the trick.

It's just a thought, but, perhaps the reason Uncrustables aren't selling well is because, ahem, unless you're him, most people would think it incredibly lazy to buy pre-made, frozen, peanut butter and jelly sandwiches that have the crusts cut off. Not to mention they're expensive. I looked them up on Simon Delivers. Four sandwiches for $2.99? Or you can get the 18 count for $12.99 What a freakin' waste of money! That's just the epitome of laziness. If you can't slap peanut butter and jelly on two pieces of bread and then cut off the crusts in the time it takes you to defrost one of those things, you have no mad sandwich making skillz. You're hopeless and you are entirely too susceptible to marketing campaigns.

Grow a spine and make your kid a sandwich that doesn't require defrosting.

Posted by Kathy at August 16, 2005 11:39 AM | TrackBack

How come the Viagra marketers didn't think of this - maybe its just too much competition???

Posted by: Barbie J at August 22, 2005 08:59 PM