August 04, 2005

Have They Nothing Better To Do?

In this instance "they" would be the Scottish Police and legal system. They must not because they're prosecuting some guy for cutting the fin off his pet goldfish.

A MAN cut the tail off his goldfish with a pair of scissors because he was "bored" after a day of drinking.

Kenneth Grindlay, 20, launched the vicious attack on his pet goldfish - before tossing it back into its bowl for his horrified mother to find.

Grindlay, of Rosyth, Fife had started drinking after being left alone in the house for an afternoon and decided to cut off the family goldfish's tail with the scissors - left out for him by his mother to trim his beard - because he was "just bored".

He admitted carrying out the cruel attack at a court hearing yesterday but will not learn of his fate until detailed psychiatric reports are prepared.

Dunfermline Sheriff Court heard yesterday how Grindlay's mother Shona returned home to find the bloodied scissors he had used to maim the six-year-old fish out on the kitchen worktop.

She found the fish thrashing desperately around in its tank without its tail. She then called the police - who arranged for the mutilated pet to be taken to the vet.

The practice decided, however, that its injuries were so severe it had to be put out of its suffering. Grindlay pleaded guilty by letter to cruelty and ill-treating the fish and causing it unnecessary suffering at a hearing last month.

The hearing was told by depute fiscal Azrah Yousaf that the fish's injuries were among the worst that the vet had ever witnessed.

She said: "The police were called. When they arrived the fish was still alive but the police had noticed that it wasn't very active in the tank. The vet described it as one of the worst injuries they had ever seen."

When police arrived to interview Grindlay he told them: "I cut the fin off. I was a bit drunk. I was just bored."

He was later charged under the Protection of Animals Act of 1912 and referred to psychologists at Dunfermline's Queen Margaret Hospital. {...}

Yes, that's right. The guy was bored and drunk and cut the fin off his pet goldfish. He "launched a vicious attack" on his pet. He's having to undergo psychiatric evaluations because he did this. While this was not a nice thing to do and while I fully understand that harming one's pets or other small animals is a big alert that someone will become a serial killer, don't you think that perhaps, just perhaps this is a wee bit over the top? Particularly since it was a freakin' GOLDFISH that was maimed? A fish that, ahem, cannot feel pain.

What's the crime rate in Scotland again? Hmmmm. I wonder. Is there, possibly, anything the cops could be doing other than prosecuting people for cutting the tails off their goldfish? Hmmmmm? Could it be that the only reason they prosecuted this guy was because, ahem, he fessed up to his dirty deed?

It makes one wonder, doesn't it, what they'd do nowadays to all those people who used to participate in "how many goldfish can you swallow?" contests?

Posted by Kathy at August 4, 2005 09:55 AM | TrackBack

You're right, if he'd just strapped a little waterproof satchel of C4 to his goldfish, it would be considered a religious ceremony, instead of fish abuse.

The revitalization of the British Empire might take a wee bit longer than we originally thought.

Posted by: Russ from Winterset at August 4, 2005 11:20 PM

Really?!!! Fish cannot feel pain?!!! Do they have no nerve endings? Where did you learn this?

Posted by: Doug Purdie at August 5, 2005 12:09 PM

Science class.

Posted by: Kathy at August 5, 2005 01:59 PM

I'm guessing that the mother pushed this prosecution - yes, the laws are on the books, but the real reason the guy was indicted was that the action freaked out the mother. And, she may have reason to be worried - it's a clearly aberrant action that might indicate the guy is totally wack. I'm thinking charging him was an excuse to get a disturbed individual into treatment.

Posted by: Linda F at August 7, 2005 07:03 AM

I wonder what Phin has to say about this?

Posted by: zonker at August 7, 2005 08:45 PM
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